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Richard Turner
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Posts 27

Posted - 15/01/2010 :  00:07:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all, I am new here, but a long time user of both the reality and Velocity, and have now moved onwards and upwards I hope to IvsEdits. My name is Richard Turner and I am from Perth, Western Australia. I run a small VFX facility called TURNER Visual Effects.

I have a few questions, I am not sure if I should post bugs here but some relate to the operation of the app so I'll try here and see how I go.

Firstly, when I close IVS after a session, I find it has not actually closed at all, and if I go to restart it, it tells me an instance is all ready running and I have to go to the Task Manager to close it.

I tried to use the help section (Online Guide) from withing IVS edits but it does not work ?????. I get a message saying "Failed to launch help"

What I cannot fine how to do, and I was used to this in Velocity, is to import a file sequence of say TGA's, TIIF's or whatever. Is there an option for this somewhere ?

So far it looks good, the CG looks interesting also. Must find some time to play around with everything.

Cheers and I am looking forward to hearing some of your answers.

Kind regards


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Posted - 15/01/2010 :  11:44:26  Show Profile  Visit roberto.castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Richard,

yes you can post bugs here too, however could be better to create separate posts for each question or matter.

Firstly, when I close IVS after a session, I find it has not actually closed at all, and if I go to restart it, it tells me an instance is all ready running and I have to go to the Task Manager to close it.

It happens when, closing the app, some dependency remain opened. We need more details about your current system configuration and type of files used. Often in this situation could be a decoder is not working properly.

I tried to use the help section (Online Guide) from withing IVS edits but it does not work ?????. I get a message saying "Failed to launch help"

yes there is not yet an help file. We are completing it. For any question, doubt please write here or directly to us.

What I cannot fine how to do, and I was used to this in Velocity, is to import a file sequence of say TGA's, TIIF's or whatever. Is there an option for this somewhere ?

Installing ivsEdits you have installed a special filter for REVERSED VIRTUAL TAPE FILE SYSTEM, now any video software can access to any TGA/BMP sequence only loading the first frame of the sequence. Then there is not a special item in ivsEdits to load a sequence. Considering is a very recent feature there are some problems:
ivsEdits loads the sequence as default with Progressive interlacing and it is not yet able to detect the right duration but assigns the duration like a default still image. The interlacing can be changed to Field1 or Field2 in the Repository selecting the clip e right clicking on CLIP INFO while the duration have to be adjusted on the Timeline matching the effective duration. the worse problem is effects keyframes could be un-accurate using these clips got from BMP or TGA only.
If you desire to make it as a single clip and you have to make special processing on interlacing or Aspect ratio you should use ivsRecode forcing the file suffix on all files in the file dialog you get clicking ADD NEW.

Best Regards

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
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Richard Turner
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Posts 27

Posted - 15/01/2010 :  12:19:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Roberto, thank you for your reply.

My Machine information is


Manufacturer Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Model EX58-UD5
Total amount of system memory 12.0 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores 4


Display adapter type NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
Total available graphics memory 2814 MB
Dedicated graphics memory 768 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB
Shared system memory 2046 MB
Display adapter driver version
Primary monitor resolution 1920x1080
DirectX version DirectX 10

I wa sjust accessng wither TGA's or AVI's at the time as that is all I couldsee to import. It would be grat to be able to just import a sequence of anyting, as in Tiff's, Tga's, SGI's, DPX etc etc.

I am sorry but I do not understand how to import a sequence of images, how d I change the duration please ?

Thanks you

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Posts 342

Posted - 16/01/2010 :  02:50:31  Show Profile  Visit Paolo.Castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello Richard,
welcome into the forum and into ivsEdits club.

Currently we support TGAs and BMPs image sequences only.
To collect Image sequences (both in ivsEdits and ivsRecode) there are no options or checkboxes to enable. in ivsRecode, in the "ADD NEW" window set file format field on "ALL FILES" and double click on the first numbered image file. In ivsEdits, just double click on the first numbered image file.

Best Regards,

Paolo Castellano
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Richard Turner
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Posted - 16/01/2010 :  03:32:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Paolo, thank you. I spent some time with Roberto this morning and had an excellent show and tell :-), it's all very good.

Thanks again

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