products ivsPowerPack2010



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ivsPowerPack for Velocity


ivsPowerPack is a software suite born to improve performance and productivity of Velocity NLE editors. All applications are seamless integrated within Velocity Software, to provide maximum ergonomics and easy of use. These softwares are developed with the most advanced technologies, to get the best quality and speed.





IvsPowerPack components are:

ivsDMAboost: (please check for motherboard compatibility with Altitude, Quattrus and Reality)

ivsRecode PRO:










ivsRecode: This is a very important tool since allows to import any direct show file (any files that can be read by Windows Media Player) into .dps file format. Velocity has a similar tool, but ivsBatchConverter is a lot faster (30 times!) and adds important image processing options like aspect ratio changes (from 16:9 to 4:3 and vice-versa), color correction, image filtering (GLOW, BLUR, SHARPEN), and size conversion (any HD size format to .DPS SD)


ivsSmartRecapture: Many advanced users find in the batch recapture the weak point of Velocity. IvsBatchList is a plugin that, starting from a Velocity timeline with real or virtual clips, generates a new timeline and the relative batch list to recapture the clip. In order to optimize your precious time, ivsBatchList can generate multiple batch lists (for example splitted by tape) to allow multiple simultaneous capture sessions, using version pro of ivsEncoder.


ivsDECKLINKout: This plugin allows to output your Velocity timeline through a cheap SDI/Analog card like Black Magic Decklink, with important additional features, i.e. Realtime aspect ratio changes like aspect ratio changes (from 16:9 to 4:3 and vice-versa), color correction, image filtering (GLOW, BLUR, SHARPEN), and broadcast upscaler (from SD to HD, without frame rate change)


ivsDPSexport: DPS exporting, with unify feature enabled requires additional time to render any realtime segments on timeline. IvsDpsExport allows to export your timeline in a single .DVA/.DPS file in a single, real time, pass, enabling high quality processing to the resulting file, like spect ratio changes (from 16:9 to 4:3 and vice-versa), color correction, image filtering (GLOW, BLUR, SHARPEN).


IvsDVexport: DV is one of the primary exchange file formats. This plugin allows to Velocity to export the timeline into a Microsoft DV AVI file in a single, real time, pass, enabling high quality processing to the resulting file, like aspect ratio changes (from 16:9 to 4:3 and vice-versa), color correction, image filtering (GLOW, BLUR, SHARPEN).


ivsDVout: As above the timeline can be exported directely to DV tape with VTR controls (Play, Rewind, Fast Forward, etc.) or previewed cross the firewire-ilink devices.


ivsCapture: This program can be used both as a stand alone mode and as integrated part of Velocity NLE. IvsCapture allows to capture from a direct show device (Firewire OHCI, or for example a cheap SDI/analog card) into the .DPS/.DVA file format.

Non linear was a great progress for editing, but linear editors always had complaints about wasted time for pre-recording. IvsCapture deletes this waste of time allowing to capture your footage into DPS file format without stopping your editing, allowing to edit the same clip you're capturing, whithout using your Reality, Quattrus or Altitude hardware.

"Play and Edit While Rec" technology generates the .dps/.dva file when you press the "Record" button, allowing to add the file both to Velocity timeline and gallery. At the beginning all the frames will be black, but these ones will be replaced in realtime from your video source during capture, allowing what you think was impossible.


ivsCapture Pro version (available as optional upgrade) allows to capture several video sources in the same workstation at the same time. A dual Xeon dual core workstation can capture up to 6 sources without problems. This feature, associated with Quattrus multicamera features, allows to use a VelocityQ or VelocityHD system as a broadcast live video switcher*, with great advantages on traditional equipments; all video sources already recorded as well as editing decisions, so it is very easy and fast to make any additional editing . For live events this means saving a lot of time.

IvsEncoder makes other exclusive things ;


  • Captures in DPS file format from HD sources  (HD SDI or HDV Firewire)

  • Splits clips automatically at scene change (scene detection introduced with v.2.5)

  • Makes aspect ratio changes (16:9 to 4:3 and vice versa) during Capture

  • Adds broadcast video filters (BLUR, SHARPEN and GLOW) while capturing with realtime changes and feedback

  • Allows Realtime color correction (White & Black levels, saturation, etc.) with realtime variations and feedback

  • Allows to change clip name after the capture (both .dva and .dps)

  • Allows to adjust audio volume even from digital sources (Firewire & SDI)

  • Can improve the quality of your DVDs and MPEG4 Files as well as the playout of your TV Station (capturing with bandwidth limiter feature)

ivsPSDconverter: PSD files are a standard in the graphic industry, but they are not in the video applications. IvsPSD converter, allows to add directely in the Velocity gallery (any version, v.8.x and 9.X) through a seamless importation that preserves levels and transparency of files.


If you want to get the 100% from your Velocity system (Reality, Quattrus or Altitude), ivsPowerPack is a must.


Purchasing Options: ivsPowerPack is available for sale from IVS or from its authorized resellers worldwide (visit website for details). Paying methods are credit card (through paypal) or bankwire transfer.



Some Informations about IVS

Interactive Video Systems (IVS)
is an Italian company specialized in solutions for the Digital Video and the Content Creation. IVS develops proprietary solutions for graphics, displays, cinemas, TV and distributes the best of the worldwide production in the sectors of the professional audio-visual media, and high end IT solutions.
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