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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  02:26:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Roberto! Been building my ivsedits system and it should be ready soon. But, through a roundabout source, I heard that 'live' can't be used on the timeline with a BMD Decklink. Is this true, just a rumor/bad info? thanks.


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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  16:45:42  Show Profile  Visit roberto.castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote

It is not all true.
All existing BMD devices can Play or Record and so any single BMD device if it is already performing a playlist playback cant show the input feedback like your Quattrus. Naturally adding more boards the live can be handled but considering that ivsEdits allows to select between more renderer devices like VGA or DV (without to include BF and Aja) also one Decklink card could be used to get a True Live Input if SDI out is not relevant. Anyway the True Live is not yet supported in ivsEdits because existing customers are pushing to get other features and faster bug fixes. Only the Delayed Live is already supported using ivsCapture PRO.

Best Regards

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  17:51:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok. So, if I'm undertanding this correctly.

1) True live image can not be used on the timeline currently. This is in your development plans though? This is one of the main features that I would ivsEdits for.

2) After 'true live' is implemented, with a BMD Decklink, I will be able to use it on the timeline, but I will not be able to output that image to a monitor?

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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  18:16:07  Show Profile  Visit roberto.castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote

1) true live (TL)= is the live got using a live clip like on Velocity

Delayed live (DL)= is the live type got on Quattrus or Altitude using Harris Qingest/ivsEncoder PRO to perform LIVE Multicamera editing.

Naturally true live is always in our plans but for your job type the True live is not useful as Delayed live where you can go back and correct your editing in any time.

2)for both TL and DL, as reported in previous posts , to get more live inputs you have to purchase more BMD cards and place them in the same system (for TL or DL) or in more PC (for DL only).

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  18:22:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Addressing point 2. my question isn't so much about multiple live inputs. I am asking if you can do a 'mix' between either one delayed live or one true live 'clip' and one previously recorded clip on the timeline and simultaneously output that 'mix' to a monitor through the BMD Decklink's SDI output.

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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  18:24:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Also, is ivsCapture Pro bundled with ivsEdits or is it a separate purchase?

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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  18:28:21  Show Profile  Visit roberto.castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
ivsCapture PRO is not bundled with ivsEdits. it is an option.

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  18:32:38  Show Profile  Visit roberto.castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Delayed live is a live got recording a Clip and playing it simultaneusly with a very short delay while it is in recording. Using this CLIP you can do anything if you have enough CPU power available.

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
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Posted - 14/07/2009 :  21:54:17  Show Profile  Visit Paolo.Castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello Alex,
about point 2, physical live input, Roberto talked about the need of more than one BMD Decklink card. Reality and Quattrus have Concurrent I/O (one input and one output). The Decklink card is a single channel card, for this reason you have to use it for INPUT or for OUTPUT. If you need one INPUT and one OUTPUT at the same time, you need 2 Decklink Cards. If you need 2 Inputs and 1 Outputs, you need 3 Decklinks, and so on...
Best Regards,

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Posted - 15/07/2009 :  08:01:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So, I'm better off using an AJA card in the long run? Thanks for clarifying that Paolo. That really, really stinks though.

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Posted - 15/07/2009 :  11:04:07  Show Profile  Visit roberto.castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
If AJA Directshow drivers will not be improved, AJA will not be the best choice. Aja has same BMD limitations. There is 1 input or one output. So you need 2 cards to get 1 input and one output.
We are using SD Bluefish 444 cards with concurrent I/O but scrub performance are not yet comparable with BMD.

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
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Posted - 15/07/2009 :  11:31:43  Show Profile  Visit Paolo.Castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello Alex,
BMD choose to make very cheap cards. DeckLink SDI™ lists US$295, and supports both SD and HD. A double channel card would cost much more then the double. Matrox, Dayang and Deltacast produce multicannel cards, but they are all much more expensive. For this reason we (currently) don't support them...
Best Regards,


Paolo Castellano
Sales Manager

IVS Interactive Video Systems
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C - 80143 Napoli, Italy
Tel.+39-81-7879046 Mobile. +39-347-3890560
www.ivs.it paolo.castellano@ivs.it

ivsEdits and ivsPowerPack Creators
Harris/Leitch/DPS Italian Reseller
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Posted - 15/07/2009 :  18:31:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, I think there's some confusion over my question a little bit. Maybe it's a language barrier thing. I'm not worried about outputting a separate clip at the same time I'm capturing. I was more asking if the live video would be E-E during capture and be output through the BMD card. My friend, who also happens to be an Italian software developer says this.

"I Alex,

I don’t know about AJA, but all BMD cards are half-duplex cards.

This means that you can’t input/capture one live stream, while outputting – thru the same card – another stream (video clip) previously recorded.

But, during capture, YES, the card sets itself in E-E (loop thru) mode, so if you have a monitor connected to the card output, you will be able to monitor the live input with no delay whatsoever."

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Posted - 15/07/2009 :  19:40:13  Show Profile  Visit Paolo.Castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Alex,
I think it is not a language barrier, but we are talking about 2 different things.
Your friend is right, using the BMD device for capture, it will show on its output what you are capturing (E-E i.e. Electronics to Electronics), but if I'm right this is not what you were asking for (the Live Input of Velocity). With Velocity you can add and mix graphics and video clips to the Live Input (and this is no E-E).

What do you need to do with the live? Do you just need to add graphics and videos with alpha channel over your live Input?
Best Regards,


Paolo Castellano
Sales Manager

IVS Interactive Video Systems
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C - 80143 Napoli, Italy
Tel.+39-81-7879046 Mobile. +39-347-3890560
www.ivs.it paolo.castellano@ivs.it

ivsEdits and ivsPowerPack Creators
Harris/Leitch/DPS Italian Reseller
Broadcast Reseller
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Posted - 15/07/2009 :  19:58:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Paolo.Castellano

Hi Alex,
I think it is not a language barrier, but we are talking about 2 different things.
Your friend is right, using the BMD device for capture, it will show on its output what you are capturing (E-E i.e. Electronics to Electronics), but if I'm right this is not what you were asking for (the Live Input of Velocity). With Velocity you can add and mix graphics and video clips to the Live Input (and this is no E-E).

What do you need to do with the live? Do you just need to add graphics and videos with alpha channel over your live Input?

Yes, it is two different things, but in talking about this issue, I cam under the impression that the BMD card couldn't do E-E. So, maybe it is my problem in how I handled my questions.

Yes, my main goal is to be able to use Live Input the same as Velocity is able to use it on the timeline. It is very critical for the visual effects shows that I work on. With VelocityQ, I was able to use the computer as a mixer and apply many FX to the different layers....all live. To be able to do this in ivsEdits would be a great thing.

I understand, now, that this feature is not yet available in ivsEdits, but will be at some point so long as I have 2 BMD cards installed in the computer....one to handle the live input and one to handle the output.

I also understand that I could accomplish this by using ivsCapture pro and using the clip being created as a standard clip, but this will have a slight delay. This also requires two BMD cards to be able to do though.

Am I correct on all of these?

Hey, thank you both a lot for taking the time to answer these questions. I know you have bigger things to attend to, but I appreciate you taking the time. By the way, my copy of ivsEdits has already been ordered.

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Posts 342

Posted - 15/07/2009 :  20:28:25  Show Profile  Visit Paolo.Castellano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello Alex,
your understanding are now correct, but there is just a little thing to say.
ivsCapture Pro option allows more than one capture per PC. If you need just one live input(as Quattrus and Velocity) ivsEdits Standard is OK for you. You don't need to but the PRO option.

Moreover please note that "ADD OVER" videos and graphics over your LIVE INPUT (not Mix and Dissolves) is already supported by ivsEdits. When you'll receive your ivsEdits licence, you will see that there is in the gallery the command for "VELOCITY STYLE" Live, but currently is not active... ;-)
Best Regards,

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