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 Velocity 8.2 : rename an EDL

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T O P I C      R E V I E W
Cedric Bellut Posted - 13/06/2010 : 10:49:27
Hello !

I have a small problem.

I work on DPS Velocity 8.2.

When I export an EDL of clips that I imported, the reel of my EDL is NONE.

Is There a means for to rename the REEL and the NAME of the clip imported (not digitized with remote)?

I need this EDL for to open it in Final Cut Pro after my edit in DPS.

Thank you for your answers.


P.S. : Sorry for my poor english... ;-)
3   L A T E S T      R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roberto.castellano Posted - 24/06/2010 : 18:25:06

if you are importing your video from Image sequence is all normal. Velocity batch import doesnt allow to add the reel name to the resulting dps files.
ivsRecode allows to convert TGA/BMP sequences in DPS files with reel name and starting timecode.

Best Regards

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

TV Software Developers
ivsEdits & ivsNewsTitler Creators
Product specialist: Velocity, VelocityQ, VelocityHD in versione italiana.
Cedric Bellut Posted - 24/06/2010 : 18:00:04
Thank you for your answer...

I explain why I want modified my EDL.

I work normally on DPS 8.2, and Final Cut Pro.

I must edited a movie filmed with a RED ONE.

I can just to edit this movie on Final Cut. But, I prefere to work on DPS.

Is there a possibility to imported the RED ONE pictures on DPS 8.2, and export an EDL for upgrade on Final Cut Pro ?

If I export an EDL from pictures imported, the REEL of each clip is NONE. It is normal ?

Thank you for your answer...

Paolo.Castellano Posted - 14/06/2010 : 00:31:34
I don't create or edit and EDL since 10 years, but have you tried to edit the file with a text editor?
Best Regards,


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