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 Audio reveberation on XDcam file

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mark Posted - 07/06/2010 : 16:45:05
Ok now have got the xdcam files to import thanks to Robertos comments about removing old IVS and re installing the software, thanks again for that. Now it seems I have hit a second problem.
I imported a PAL 1920 x 1080 50i XDCAM file which plays back very nicely using the second monitor function as a test (same picture played back better than CS4 too I might add) and although the picture is fine, the audio is playing back with about a 1 second echo delay coming back through each channel of that track. As it is a stereo track you get what sounds like 4 tracks all running at different speeds. I have played the file outside of IVS and it is a normal stereo file so not sure what is happening here. I have put the XDCAM file up in case anyone has ideas, it can be found at www.hotham.tv/ivs. Same happened with wav file which is fine when not plyed in IVS. I am assuming there must be an audio setting somewhere but am unable to find it. I have tried it with GPU support in advanced settings turned on and off.
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mark Posted - 08/06/2010 : 01:27:07
Hi Roberto Audio preview was already ticked when I checked as this was something I had looked at already. However I enabled it so it should have echoed(took away the tick) and it fixed it? I then opened up preferences a few times ticking and unticking and then playing the file and it then self corrected so it now does not have the echo with the disable audio ticked as you have suggested. however it did have at the start after the fresh install
roberto.castellano Posted - 07/06/2010 : 16:50:54
go in the preference > Program Configuration and check Disable audio preview: you are listening the echo because you are using two times the same audio board for program and preview.

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

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