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 IVS beta 1.1.333

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T O P I C      R E V I E W
mark Posted - 30/07/2009 : 10:38:56
Have found a bit of a potential bug that may be worth a look at. Have noticed when taking large XDCAM files (.m4p) over 2gig and convert them to dps dva files. The IVS converter strips the audio out of them but is fine with the video part. using an audio only program I can get the audio out as a wav file and it works fine but is an issue as for quite a while I thought the camera was not recording audio properly
2   L A T E S T      R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mark Posted - 01/08/2009 : 06:33:14
Hello Roberto I have sent you a large file to experiment with. Whilst we are on the subject of batch converting. Is there any plans for a watch folder so that multiple clips can be converted? Presently it seems you can only load up approx 20 clips at a time to batch convert, as the system seems to load them into RAM first (which takes quite a while sometimes with big files)and then you have to render them out, delete them and re load the next lot into the system. A watch folder would mean you could load all the clips into one folder, and then the system would take one at a time and render them out (into another folder) any plans for something like this?
roberto.castellano Posted - 31/07/2009 : 16:47:53

I suspect it is a problem related to our Sony .mp4 splitter. I need some of these files. Can you upload them on FTP.
I'd like to remote your PC to split these files using WinRAR.

Best regards

Roberto Castellano
Technical Manager
roberto.castellano@ivs.it | Mobile. +39-3287482068

Interactive Video Systems srl
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C 80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0817879046 | FAX +39-08119318005 | http://www.ivs.it

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