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 New ivsEdits Release - Build 312B

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T O P I C      R E V I E W
Paolo.Castellano Posted - 01/04/2009 : 21:56:24
Dear ivsEdits Users,
I'm glad to post about new ivsEdits release, with many new features and some bug fixes. From release notes...

v 1.1 Build 312: Changes from Build 306. [2009 03 31]

* New algorithm to improve razor speed on timeline (1000% faster, with no slowdown on project complexity)
* Improved Slomo Quality (new algorithm)
* Added new RT effects : Flip (H and/or V), Invert
* Added new Realtime Blur Effect: Gaussian , Motion, Spin and Zoom
* Added new Realtime Old Movie Effect: Many options to get the desired old movie look
* Added new Realtime Mosaic Effect
* New Audio Auto Bump of audio clips
* Saving a new title without file extension: Auto Added
* Saving an effect without file extension: Auto Added
* New behaviour of "Auto Audio Dissolves"
* Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Best Regards,


Paolo Castellano
Sales Manager

IVS Interactive Video Systems
Centro Direzionale Is.G1/C - 80143 Napoli, Italy
Tel.+39-81-7879046 Mobile. +39-347-3890560
www.ivs.it paolo.castellano@ivs.it

ivsEdits and ivsPowerPack Creators
Harris/Leitch/DPS Italian Reseller
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Paolo.Castellano Posted - 13/04/2009 : 11:31:44
...step by step



P.S. Zoom: are you using the Middle mouse botton to Zoom IN/OUT?
arturo Posted - 10/04/2009 : 13:27:23
great job guys...
i have two suggestions....
should be better to implement the timeline navigator in order to take a look all the timeline
and also the possibility to zoom in/out the timeline through the +/- keys on the keyboards

(i know you are already working on .... is true ? ) :-)

"se il cinema e' un arte, il montaggio e' l'arte del cinema " S.Kubrick
arturo Posted - 09/04/2009 : 21:39:16
tested.....it works fine.
continue to improve....

"se il cinema e' un arte, il montaggio e' l'arte del cinema " S.Kubrick

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